From Gamer to Accessibility Advocate: Tim Damen's Journey in Front-End Development

From Gamer to Accessibility Advocate: Tim Damen's Journey in Front-End Development

Is your website excluding millions? Gamer turned developer Tim Damen explains why accessibility matters and how to make your apps user-friendly for everyone.

Ana Marija Majkić

Ana Marija Majkić

May 14, 2024

Tim Damen's journey into web development is anything but ordinary. What began with a love for video games and a knack for creating bots (sorry, Jagex!), blossomed into a fulfilling career focused on crafting user-friendly and accessible applications. In this Q&A, Tim shares his background story, his passion for accessibility, and his vision for the future of web development.

Watch the full interview here

Here are the big things we discussed.

Ana Marija Majkić (AMM): Tell us a bit about your background.

Tim Damen (TD): 10 years ago I started out as a front-end developer. Actually, even before my official career began, I was a huge gamer. Back then, I was obsessed with RuneScape, and without even realizing it, I was dabbling in programming by creating bots for the game. (Sorry, Jagex, but I think I might have gotten banned a couple of times!) In all seriousness, it was a fun way to learn the ropes of coding.

Then, I discovered the world of front-end development, and I was instantly hooked. It's been a whirlwind ever since, and here I am, 10 years later, still deeply passionate about this field. Choosing front-end development was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

AMM: How did you become an accessibility expert?

TD: I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I'm definitely driven to help people. When I realized the impact accessibility could have, I knew I wanted to use my skills to improve the apps I was working on. Having a disability myself (dyslexia) and relying on help from others throughout my education made me acutely aware of the challenges faced by those who need extra support. Now that I have the opportunity to help others, it's incredibly rewarding.

AMM: Where do you see accessibility making the biggest strides?

TD: Accessibility is becoming a major focus in the online environment, especially with the EU Accessibility Act deadline looming in 2025. This is pushing companies to prioritize accessibility, which is a positive development. Here in the Netherlands, museums are doing fantastic work in this area, and the online accessibility community is thriving as well. There are so many influential figures contributing valuable resources and information.

AMM: What's the first step developers can take to make their apps more accessible?

TD: An accessibility audit is a great place to start. This will provide you with a roadmap of improvements you can make. If you're new to accessibility, I recommend learning about the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and its success criteria. Take it slow, gradually build your knowledge, and start implementing improvements in your applications. Most importantly, involve people with disabilities in your testing process. Their feedback is crucial to ensuring your apps are truly inclusive.

AMM: What's your biggest passion as a developer?

TD: My passion lies in creating exceptional applications that make life easier for everyone, especially those with disabilities. I want to use my skills to empower everyone and create a more inclusive web experience.

Building a More Inclusive Web: Are You Onboard?

Join Tim Damen at Frontend Nation for his talk “Web Accessibility in Practice: More Than Just WCAG” (Check out his talk promo here).

In this session, Tim will delve deeper into the practical aspects of implementing accessibility best practices. You'll learn how to transform your websites into welcoming spaces for all users, regardless of ability. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from a leading accessibility advocate! Secure your free spot today and join a global community of passionate frontend devs.

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